124043 review-watching-news-neil-cavutos-program watching-news-neil-cavutos-program http://www.donaldtrump.feedback/review-watching-news-neil-cavutos-program 8410 10 10 10 0 1 -1 Watching some news on Neil Cavutos program about all the companies that are compensating their employees money wise because f the Trump tax cuts Then I switched to CNN to see if any of this was being broadcasted there. All CNN was doing with this Tapper guy was bashing Trump. This is not what the constitution had in mind with freedom of the press <p>Watching some news on Neil Cavutos program<br/>about all the companies that are compensating their employees money wise<br/>because f the Trump tax cuts<br/>Then I switched to CNN to see if any of this was being broadcasted there.<br/>All CNN was doing with this Tapper guy was bashing Trump.<br/>This is not what the constitution had in mind with freedom of the press</p> 2018-01-25T21:25+0000

Watching some news on Neil Cavutos program
about all the companies that are compensating their employees money wise
because f the Trump tax cuts
Then I switched to CNN to see if any of this was being broadcasted there.
All CNN was doing with this Tapper guy was bashing Trump.
This is not what the constitution had in mind with freedom of the press